Birtley House Sculpture Exhibition 2013

My family and I visit the Birtley House  sculpture exhibition every year, as it's a place very close to our hearts. The house and grounds there are utterly beautiful, and the sculptures always compliment it perfectly. They now have the most amazing kitchen garden, as well as an orchard, and as pictures below, one the most beautiful wisteria I've seen in a long time! Caroline and Simon are two of the nicest people you could possibly meet, and I'm so glad this event has gained momentum over the last few years!

We picked a super saturday to visit, the sun was shining and the birds were singing, lots of people enjoying the afternoon teas too! Here are my particular selection of favourites, my Grandad has the brochure so I will add credits to the artists ASAP. The willow egg was my favourite, I spent ages trying to figure out how it was woven together, such clean shapes need a more experienced, skilled approach than my recent efforts, but maybe one day!

I'm thrilled to hear the exhibition raised £2,883.88 for the community foundation for Surrey, so many of the statues had the red dots on already, I'm sure it was a great event for the artists too!
If you live near Surrey I highly recommend you visit the Wood Fair in the autumn, we had a great time last year! 

Thanks for reading, happy weekend!


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