
Bank Holiday Bluebells

I was thrilled to have the whole May Bank Holiday free - working in retail this isn't a given! And as the weather was no where near as dismal as they had predicted, I was happy to be able to head outside to wander and garden. The woodland where I walk Mollie every day was full of bluebells and wild flowers, is there a more beautiful sight during the UK Springtime? The bluebell woods are such a magical, fairytale sight to look forward too every year, I know the actual English species of bluebell is becoming scarse but never the less, the sudden splash of that deep blue is a real treat. There were also flowers like this delicate Greater Stitchwort (Why can the nicest flowers have the ugliest names?!) and the prongs of ferns are beginning to unfurl - May, you are beautiful!

This is just a quick check in, I've just finished packing for my trip to Cornwall, I dare say I will be back with just a few snaps to share ;) Hope you've had a great weekend! Katie x


Things and Thoughts said...

Spring landscape in the UK offers a unique view indeed! You are going to Corwall, I'm so jealous...
Looking forward to see photos of your escape...

Jennifer Hays said...

Beautiful flower photos, Katie. I hope you have a nice time in Cornwall.

Happy Homebird said...

I need to go and see a bluebell wood before they are finished, mystical and ancient. Hope you had a great time in Cornwall, I did. Look forward to seeing your pictures. I'm still to publish many of mine.

Randi said...

I find myself searching your bluebell photograph for fairies, what a magical sight. I also LOVE that last snap with the yellow shoes and daisies-- it looks like an album cover from the 90s!
Eagerly awaiting your photographs from Cornwall.

Porcelina said...

Isn't the natural world a wonderful thing? The bluebells have been great with us too, just so gorgeous! Glad you were able to enjoy the long weekend. x

Gillian Roe said...

As someone who also worked in retail I fully understand the rarity and importance of a full bank holiday weekend off! I agree, the woods in spring in this country are just amazing. xx

Candy Pop said...

Beautiful bluebells - I worked in retail for 10 years so I know the feeling!

Have a great weekend.

Candy Pop said...

Beautiful bluebells - I worked in retail for 10 years so I know the feeling!

Have a great weekend.