
Beginning of July - UK Heatwave!

Have we all cooled down from the heatwave yet? July has so far proved to be a scorcher with some impressive thunder storms, which has luckily brought some rain to quench the garden! On the 36 degree day (which I luckily had off from work!) I just sheltered in front of the fan during the day, eating as many ice lollies as I could get away with! These marigolds from Sarah Raven come back stronger year after year, they smell amazing and work well as a cut flower too. My Richard Jackson strawberries are cropping brilliantly considering I completely ignored them last autumn and didn't peg them down - whoops! I've been feeding them to perk them up, and we've been having them whilst watching Wimbledon, you can't get more British summertime that that!

And I couldn't resist a little Mia update, thank you for all your kind comments on my last post about her! She has been coming on leaps and bounds, and still the soppiest dog I've met! I guess I'm not used to having a young bouncy dog around yet, so she always has me in hysterics when she has her 'funny five minutes' after she's eaten - running full pelt around the garden making a lot of noise! When it's been so hot we went dog walking in the evening instead, to spare Mia overheating and burning her paws on the pavement! It's also the best way to make the most of these longer evenings, I never take them for granted but they've been gorgeous!

Hope you've been enjoying the sunshine whoever you are! Any tips for dog friendly summer days out would be fantastic, Mia fancies an adventure! Thanks for reading!



Happy Homebird said...

Mia is so cute, how lucky to have found a great dog. She looks like a dog I would have, awww bless her. I like taking my dogs to the beach, plenty of dog friendly holidays out there. Sam x

Unknown said...

Oh Mia! You totally just stole the show of this post!
That bouncy stage lasts quite a while - I did have my moments of exasperation, I have to admit. The cuddles make it worthwhile tho for sure.
Love your strawberry shot too! feel like I can almost smell them!