
Early August Round up

August what the heck are you thinking? As I sit writing this post, the torrential rain and mist is making it feel decidedly more October-like (if it wasn't for that blasted humidity! Bad hair month!) Call me a pessimist (although I prefer 'Realist'!) but I never plan a holiday in August in fear of less than ideal weather! Although when I was on my own school holidays I swear the summers were all much longer and hotter, maybe that's the happy hazy effect of nostalgia!

All this rain has caused the garden to look very green, but not encouraging much from the flowers and the vegetables that need that oomph of sunshine! My sunflowers are lagging behind and my courgettes and squash are taking forever to ripen, fingers crossed this all improves soon! I had a little tidy up in the Shepherds Hut and brought some seasonal inspiration to the front, I am daydreaming of my September seaside holiday already! Mia does not like the rain so stares forlornly out into the garden instead, I have never had a dog that loves water! I have made sure we are taking plenty of decent walks in-between the showers, she has made more doggie pals now (she isn't confident meeting new dogs, but then she settles down and enjoys their company!) and I need to book up some more training sessions to help her confidence when walking on the lead, she's settled in brilliantly but there are always areas to work on, it's us the humans that need the training really!

And of course the most exciting news is the return of The Great British Bake Off! Wednesday is now officially "CAKE DAY" and as I had some birthdays this week, I had plenty of reason to get whipping up some treats! Mary Berry's Victoria Sponge recipe never fails me, and the other loaf cake was a homegrown courgette and carrot cake with a citrus drizzle - experimental, but it worked! What treats has GBBO inspired you to get baking? Do pass on some inspiration! 

Hope you have a great weekend whatever the weather!



Candy Pop said...

The weather has been crazy this year. Lovely photos, especially the one of you. Enjoy the rest of your August, fingers crossed for some sunshine!

Elise said...

Aw August looks like fun, yay for cake! :)

Sue Garrett said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog, I love the shepherd hut and Mia

Happy Homebird said...

Lovely picture of you and Mia! Spotted the Walter de la Mare book, love his poetry especially The Listeners.